Please join us for our Progressive Bingo $1199 give away December 1, 2021. That’s right! Tom says our $1199 Bow-Tie Progressive prize must go this Wednesday Night. Just in case you need to know what is a progressive jackpot bingo. It’s when prize amount is carried over to a subsequent game if no bingo is achieved within a specified number of balls drawn and called.
Two ways to play Progressive Bingo Games
There are two ways to play Progressive Bingo Games. The first way is purchasing Progressive Game Sheets. Each Progressive sheet is $2.00 per sheet or purchase Three sheets for $5.00. The second way is adding progressive Games to your TAB-E Gaming unit.
Please help us with our weekly Wednesday Night Food Drive
Please help our food pantry each Wednesday Night. Players receive a mini pack for 4 non-perishable food items they bring. Examples of non-perishable items include the following:
- unexpired canned meats
- unexpired vegetables
- peanut butter
- jelly (no glass)
- unexpired canned or dry soups
If you have questions about our upcoming $1199 Bingo Progressive Jackpot give away this Wednesday Night, send an Email to Tom through our website.