Bingo Wednesday Night KC Opening Night News at Finnigan’s Hall
Thank you to our loyal Bingo Players who made the move to our New Bingo Location Wednesday Night April 9, 2014. Due to the great turn out of Bingo Players that evening that allow us to promote several new Bingo Event Tabs. Please visit our picture page to see some of the images from April 9, 2014
We hope that you enjoyed our new location at Finnigan’s Hall along with their amenities. The Bingo Volunteers and Tom appreciate the tremendous patience and positive spirit that each Bingo Player exhibited during our opening night. Also, we want to thank Lisa and her AMF Staff for their efforts and services to our great Bingo Patrons.
Tom appreciates your feedback from our opening night and we will continue to fine tune our services to provide a great Bingo Playing experience each Wednesday Night. If you have additional suggestions or comments about playing Bingo Wednesday Night at Finnigan’s Hall, please leave us a message at (816) 841-2575 or use the Contact Us button.